Friday, August 27, 2010

Tivo Finally Breaks Through To The Web With New Remote Unit

It's been more than a year in coming, as I predicted in this post from February of last year. But Tivo has finally provided a means of accessing the broader internet.

In that earlier post, I wrote,

"Thus, it would seem only a matter of time before TiVo provides a feature on its own website that would let me either type in my preferred websites, or simply import my web browser bookmarks, so that I can access this menu on my television screen via TiVo's content menu.

So there you have it. Just about two and a half years after my post regarding the necessary hardware and software for television viewing of internet web content, it's basically here. One software tweak by TiVo, and it's done. I'll have TiVo for access to online weekly programming, including news programs, either free or paid, and Netflix for my movie content. "

This week, I read in the Wall Street Journal that Tivo has released a remote, priced at $90, which features a slide-out keyboard and navigational buttons. In effect, what has been needed to make Tivo a gateway for television screen-based internet surfing.

At this price, as a remote, it's far simpler than another set-top box. And it comes from an established vendor.

I'm one step closer to cutting my monthly Comcast bill in half by dropping the cable television portion!

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